Our dried fruit online store is your guide in the world of goodies

Why buy dried fruit from us:

Do not miss the opportunity to join a healthy lifestyle and buy natural products at an affordable price! Become regular customers of the store and take care of yourself and your loved ones!

We store products correctly

The required temperature regime is maintained in the warehouses. We carefully monitor that the dried fruits do not absorb moisture.

We constantly update the assortment

Every month, we update the assortment, adding not just individual items, but entire categories. Thanks to this, our small store turned into a healthy food supermarket.

We give gifts to customers

We regularly hold promotions and give discounts. Therefore, our customers can not only purchase quality goods, but also receive delicious gifts.

We listen to the opinion of buyers

We analyze customer feedback every month and improve our work based on it. This allows our company to develop, and customers - to receive higher quality products and more qualified service.

We offer the best prices on the market

We get products directly from manufacturers. Since there are no intermediaries in our scheme of work, this has a positive effect on the final price of the goods. Our customers get the opportunity to buy more, get better and at the same time pay much less.

We return funds for purchases

We have implemented a progressive cashback system, according to which a part of the spent funds is returned to the buyer. Thanks to this, buying from us has become not only easier, but also more profitable.

Royal date (without sugar)

Royal date is an unsurpassed product for fans of healthy food. Made from natural ingredients without added sugar, it has an unforgettable taste and beneficial properties for the body. Each date is a natural sweetness that will satisfy your taste buds and give you energy for the whole day.


100 g | 200 g | 300 g | 500 g | 1000 g

Apricot Jumbo (without sugar)

Jumbo apricot is a tasty and healthy dried fruit without added sugar, which is made from the freshest and best quality apricots. This product has a wonderful taste and aroma that will fill your kitchen with a sophisticated aroma. It contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances, which makes it an ideal snack for those who care about their health. Dried apricots contain a lot of potassium.


100 g | 200 g | 300 g | 500 g | 1000 g

Dried cranberries

Cranberry is a high-quality natural product grown on ecologically clean fields. This delicious berry has a rich red color, a good aroma and a unique taste with a slight sourness. It is rich in vitamins and trace elements that are beneficial for health. This product is ideal for those who care about their health and want to enjoy natural flavors.


100 g | 200 g | 300 g | 500 g | 1000 g

Dried figs (without sugar)

Dried figs are considered one of the most useful dried fruits, their main advantage is their high potassium content. The product contains vitamins of group B, A, antioxidants. It contains benzaldehyde, as well as some necessary minerals, for example, calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium.


100 g | 200 g | 300 g | 500 g | 1000 g

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